John Boehner – He’s the Republican with a Pair

johnboehnerOn Friday evening the House of Representatives passed the massively overreaching Cap and Trade bill.  Again, as has been the custom over the last couple of months, this bill was voted on with very little debate – or actual reading of the bill.  I’m confused on how legislators can vote on something that they haven’t read.  If I did that in my job I would be fired – but I guess I should be a Representative to have this kind of “perk”. 

Fortunately my Representative, Jerry Costello (D) from Illinois, and 44 of his Democratic brethren voted no on the bill.   No thanks to the 8 Republicans that voted yes on the bill. 

John Boehner (R), Minority Leader from Ohio, really says it best in this clip.  This is government at it’s best.  How do they stay awake?

Hmmm…John Boehner 2012.  Hopefully he doesn’t have any skeleton’s in his closet.

Of course, this is just my opinion.

Rob’s Rant